Steven Baczek Residential Architectural Services – Boston Area
The path I walked to get here is somewhat unique. Upon graduation from high school at age 17, I enlisted into the United States Marine Corps to serve and defend our country. My four years in uniform served extraordinarily well to provide a sound foundation of who I was to become. Concepts of commitment, discipline, responsibility, and mission dedication were a part of my everyday life. In the Marine Corps I had the fortunate opportunity to work with some of our Nation’s highest military and civilian leaders. Exposure working with these leaders provided me excellent models of successful people with very well established and dedicated careers. At my young life forming age, these examples proved to be very influential contributors to who I would become. All three of my promotions in the Marine Corps were meritoriously awarded for exceptional duty and outstanding leadership. Upon being honorably discharged, I was awarded the Navy Achievement Medal for outstanding service.
Upon discharge, I was initially trained as an electrician and carpenter. Quickly grasping their basic concepts, my passion for putting homes together was initialized. Although the physical building was enjoyable, the level of fulfillment left for something more desirable. That passion quickly led me to Architecture school. I studied Architecture at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston for five years where i received a Bachelor’s of Architecture degree. Five Years of posing the question, “What if”, led me to a degree in Architecture with highest honors, a 3.96 GPA (out of 4.0), and the recipient of the Boston Society of Architect’s “Achievement in Design Award” and acceptance in Tau Alpha Phi National Honor Society. Upon graduation, a stepping stone position in a large Architectural Firm in Cambridge Massachusetts led to a position with Building Science Corporation as a project architect (see more at Building Science Integration), where the foundation of my career was laid.
Upon leaving Building Science Corporation, I established 3D Building Solutions with two colleagues, Peter and Nathan Yost. Being a partner at Building Solutions helped to further educate me in the architect-client relationship. Direct client interaction in numerous projects allowed me to enhance the skills required to work with clients of varying backgrounds. After three years of 3D Building Solutions, we determined that personal pursuits of each of us would better serve our needs and we departed friends. Our friendship would continue and numerous chances to work together would emerge in the future. Upon my departure, I established Steven Baczek Architect, a sole proprietorship specializing in wholesome, appropriate, and responsible residential design.
Working for myself has proven extremely challenging and successful. The culmination of the previous years of opportunity have been dissolved into my current state. From the discipline and commitment understood in the Corps, my architectural education at WIT to the building science knowledge gained at BSC, to the skills enhanced at 3D Building Solutions, all aspects have become contributors to my success. With every project I bring my life’s experiences, with the expectation of adding new experiences to them with every project. My passion for what I do is unparalleled in the industry.
I am often asked, what kind of project is your favorite to work on? My answer is simply, the one with the excited, passionate client that seeks to exceed their own expectations. In my personal view, the client makes the project. Success isn’t measured by achieving and going where we expected, but rather going beyond where we expected…….