Professional Activities
My association with the Architecture Profession and Residential Construction industry goes far beyond my personal practice. I routinely volunteer my time for the betterment of the building community. Whether it is me personally, or a detail for a various building assembly, aspects of my work can be regularly found in various local and national media outlets.
SPEAKER: I regularly speak on Architecture, Building Science, and Building Performance. Engagements range from small forums such as Professional Building and Design companies, various building and design consortiums, to College and University building and design programs, to National Building Conferences. My unique understanding of the integration of architecture and sound building science coupled with a grounded-easily understood delivery, provides a highly valued, well respected vision.
WRITER: In addition to speaking I write for many professional outlets. My professional opinion is routinely sought after in articles, blogs, and building related channels. Numerous authored articles of mine can be found among various media outlets such as Fine HomeBuilding and Journal of Light Construction. Articles on cutting-edge design and building performance are frequently shared with the building community.
WEBINAR: An alternate outlet for providing professional education and opinion is through webinars. Webinars are the culmination of speaking, writing, and illustrating wrapped into one for me. I can be found providing illustrations for various webinars upon which I author the content, and then deliver the presentation.
ILLUSTRATOR: Being an Architect, drawing is my life. My drawings are used extensively in the publishing world. My drawings are routinely found in National Publications on homebuilding and home performance, websites relating to residential design and building science, and company manuals and guides, and shared in many professional colleague’s presentations.

HOUSE TOURS: Homes I have designed are routinely desired to be on house tours. Whether expressing aesthetic value, or showing an aspect of building performance, satisfying inquiry is part of educating the surrounding communities, both professional and layman.
CRITIC: As part of sharing my passion for Architecture, I routinely volunteer my time as an Architectural Critic to graduating college students. Critiquing not only provides me the ability to hone my “insight” skills and continuously question my personal views, but also allows me the opportunity to share with the students my professional experiences, personal opinions, and personal objectives.